
the egg lady

What started as a way to work from home has blossomed into a full-fledged egg business forBarbara who spends her days tending her flock of layers on her 26 acre farm in Olympia.  Originally from Seattle her love of animals led her to life on The Egg Lady Farm.

 For a few years Barbara and her husband, Don, had a small farm in Snohomish where they kept goats and horses, and had spent some time on their property in Texas, but Barbara was not a fan of battling the fire ants or the heat, and dreamed of once again living back in the Pacific Northwest.  They moved back to the Seattle area and were members of camping clubs, and lived the RV resort life for a few years, before Barbara decided they either needed a bigger trailer or land with room to roam.  

Photo courtesy of The Egg Lady Farm

Photo courtesy of The Egg Lady Farm

In 1999, they bought some land in Olympia with a completely uninhabitable house.  Her husband’s construction background came in handy to renovate the house into their home and the future home of The Egg Lady Farm.  Shortly after settling down, they started a small flock of about 25 chickens and it has expanded into around a thousand layers since then.  All her layers live their full lives on the farm, roaming about pastures, and doing what happy chickens do: scratching for bugs in the grass, snacking on vegetable scraps, and clucking about in the fresh air.  When they eventually stop laying, they are retired to a separate pasture to live out their lives.  If you’re looking to get your eggs from happy chickens, then look no further than the Egg Lady Farm.  

Home Meat Service carries Egg Lady Farms eggs in the retail section of our shop.  Our breakfast sausage and bacon go perfect with these eggs for a hearty and filling breakfast that will start your day off right!